Lt. Tim Davis
828.894.3001, choose option 3, then option 1
The Civil Process Division is responsible for serving all civil paperwork coming from the courts including: civil summons, magistrate/small claims summons, domestic violence protection summons & orders, paternity and child support papers, summary ejectments, civil executions, subpoenas to appear and/or produce, etc. These civil papers tell the named person(s) of a court date or an action that must be taken. The division receives these papers from the North Carolina Courts, the Federal Courts, and Courts in other states.
The service fee for all civil processes is $30, an additional $15 will be charged for an alias pluries summons and additional $25 for Writs. All fees are to be paid at the Polk County Clerk of Superior Court's office located in the Polk Co. Courthouse at 1 Courthouse Square, Columbus NC. Fees are per person to be served.